talk:Good practice

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I don't understand

U. kulick, you've written:

Don't begin a new page before having used the "search" function to find out where the camera or other topic is already described.
If you found such a page and insist on creating your new page then don't forget to set a link to your new page from the other page.

This seems to suggest:

  1. Don't do [X].
  2. If you do [X], then. . . .

-- Hoary 11:18, 19 May 2007 (EDT)

The sentences are all right as they are written, but I softened the "rules" to be just "recommendations" [U. Kulick 14:04, 19 May 2007 (EDT)]

Let's suppose I think I'm qualified to write an excellent article on the Microcord (made by MPP). I see that there's already an article on Microcord. I don't like it; I'm sure my article would be better. Are you saying that I may then create an article on the same camera, titled perhaps MPP Microcord, and link the two? If not, then what are you saying? (Or when you say "described", do you perhaps mean "mentioned"? But if so, then why "insist on"?) -- Hoary 11:18, 19 May 2007 (EDT)

Taking your scenario: You write a new article on the MPP Microcord No. 4711. Rebollo has written an article on the whole Microcord series. If he decides that that is too much redundant information he may move your page to Microcord No. 47.. and makes your article to be the core of the article about the subseries Microcord 47.. . And then he moves the information about the subseries 47.. from his old page to the "new" page. Of course such an adventurous reconception should not be the rule (see **) . But if two really great articles would be written about a classic camera like the Leica M3, this would be a much more seldom occurrence. An exception should be made in that case, and Leica M3 should be a disambiguation page referring to Leica M3 (article 1) and (article 2), and/or a navigational template should lead the reader from one to the next Leica M3 article. [U. Kulick 13:41, 19 May 2007 (EDT)]
    • Best would be to avoid duplicate articles: If you are a top expert about XY, you can add information even to an excellent article about XY written by somebody else. My experience is that people are more worried than happy about redundant articles. In a newsgroup you'll find always complaints about duplicate threads. The search function is a basic tool that is not only for the readers but also for the writers. Since You and Rebollo are very much aware of what's going on in camerapedia you might find this hint unnecessary, but as far as I know it is very useful for new writers. U. Kulick 14:19, 19 May 2007 (EDT)